Thursday, May 10, 2007

Job Update

Well, as most of you know, David's job contract is almost up (early) and he's been interviewing with other companies, and/or trying to find another position with the same company. So far he's interviewed with a position in Melbourne, Australia, so that would be fun, but I can't even handle thinking of all the daunting details of putting the house up for rent, packing all of our stuff (again) to put in storage, for the 1-3 year contract down under. It would be an adventure, and one I'm sure the kids would enjoy, so we would go if nothing else comes up.

He had another job interview today, with Seton, sounds promising, and another position was offered to him from Cisco, but it's from noon to midnight Fri-Sun, and every other Monday, talk about crappy hours! But he would love to work there, so it might be worth it to get in somewhere there. If not, it may be off to the land down under for us!!

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