Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day Four - GUNS!


Riley has been bugging us ever since going to Camp Double Creek for a gun. And not just a BB gun, he wants a real live gun to go hunt with his Papa Leo with. Well, he got to actually shoot one, and had a great time, I think we just made him want one more. It was great that Papa Leo spent time with him to show him how to load it, how to cock it, how to hold it, all the ins and outs of the gun. They took turns shooting at some cans in the bayou, I know, not very environmentally friendly, but I swear, if you could smell that place, a can or two is the least of it's problems.

Riley shot a 22 pistol first, then a 22 rifle, then a baby gator swam up to see what was going on, it was cute. It hung around, probably sensing that he was in no danger from Riley's good aim. He hit the can quite a few times. After enduring many taunts about me being a city girl, I took the rifle and took two shots, both of which hit the can dead on, so take that country boys!!

Other than that, we hung around the house, Aunt Madelyn and Aunt Tammy and Maw Maw Ida came out to the house and we had grilled tilapia and red fish and some of Maw Maw's famous potato bread rolls.

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