Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Life in Fast Forward

I never thought I would be one of those bloggers who just lets weeks and weeks go by without even a hint of what's going on in life. And here I am, swamped, tired, busy, running like mad. But, today I am playing catch up and thought I would take some time to post a little about what's been going on in our neck of the woods. So, since I last posted:

Wed Jan 28th I subbed in middle school science, not a lot of fun, I'm no good at science OR middle school!
Thurs, Jan 29th I subbed for high school English, then gymnastics.
Fri, Jan 30th, subbed again for high school English, we had Parent/Teacher conferences (more on that later) then took the kids to Mimi and Papa's for the weekend so David and I could go to the "Love for a Lifetime" marriage seminar at church. It was 7-9:30 Friday night, and 9-3:30 on Saturday, and Dr. Gary Chapman was there, one of the best authors on marriage and relationships, and he was hilarious, and there were several other relationship experts there as well. We picked the kids up after that and Regan was running a fever and by that evening it looked like she had the full blown flu, poor thing.

On Monday, it was a half day, David worked from home so I could take Riley to school and go to the store and get soup and Sprite for the sick girlie, and then gymnastics, basketball practice, all that fun running around.

Tuesday, I was scheduled to sub for the rest of the week in high school math, and Regan was still not feeling good, so David stayed home to watch her, which was so hard for me to do, go to work and leave my baby! But, they made do, and Regan was well enough to go back to school on Wednesday, so that was good.

Then Kenzie came to stay for a couple of days, and she's doing really good right now, and it was good to have her around, the kids enjoyed playing with her and it was just so nice to spend some quality time with her.

On Thursday, after school, and gymnastics, Kenzie and I took Regan to cheerleading practice while David and Riley went to see the Harlem Globetrotters! Riley really enjoyed it, and they had a great time.

Friday after school we had a quick lunch at McDonald's, had to get a table and tablecloth and get to selling those Girl Scout Cookies! Since Regan had been sick the last weekend, we missed a whole weekend of cookie selling opportunities. So our first booth was Friday night at JC Penny's with her friend Kendall (in the picture), they had so much fun opening the door for the customers, and pushing the handicapped button to make the doors open by themselves. We did pretty good there and sold 45 boxes in our 2 hours.

Saturday, 9am cheerleading, then pictures after the game, meet David and Riley at La Madeline for a quick breakfast before it's back to the church for Riley's game, and his pictures after, then we ditch them and head to our 2nd booth of the weeekend, a prime Walmart booth, where we sold 59 boxes, and then, from there, we rushed across the street to Blockbuster and sold another 24 boxes there. Then I ditched the kid at home with dad and went to a Girl's Night Out, which was nice, hadn't been out with the girls in FOREVER! Even as tired as I was, it's always nice to hang with the girls.

Then on Sunday, David had his cooking class at Hudson's on the Bend, so he skipped church and went to that, and I took the kids to yet another cookie booth, CVS, and we sold another 20 boxes of cookies, so we are doing good. I don't know if Regan will make her goal of 540 boxes, but we're certainly plugging away!

So, that's our life these days. Tonight is the girl scout Valentine party and today I will be making the Valentine's, I'm all about handmade Valentine's and not store bought, which is just more work for me, and I know it, but they're so much cuter. So, after a trip to Costco and HEB, and probably Walmart, I'll be making Valentine's, 12 for Girl Scouts, 16 for each of the kids classes, and then all the ones for the teachers. And then there's the class parties at the end of the week...it's already snowballing on me. At least next Monday is a holiday, I plan on spending most of it in bed, sleeping!

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