Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wells Branch Homestead

Wells Branch Homestead

Today I subbed in Regan's class, for a study trip to Wells Branch Homestead. It was a lot of fun! The kids had tour guides that were just like the old settlers, they made one group the "Cowboys" and the other group the "Indians" and showed the kids what it was like to live back in those days. They got to climb in a covered wagon, lay under a brush arbor, see a sugar cane stripping machine, see the "outhouse", the flat-top syrup maker, and even a small farmhouse and some of the tools people used back then. It was quite informative. We also had a picnic lunch and played on the playground for a bit.

Regan doesn't like to listen to me when I'm her teacher, so it always proves to be an interesting day when I'm subbing in her class!

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