Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pajama Party!

I know I say this often, but I *love* our church! This week was a back to school pajama party and all the kids wore their pajamas (although Regan was afraid EVERYONE would forget and she would be the ONLY person wearing pajamas!) that was not the case! It wasn't my week to serve, but they needed help and I wouldn't have missed it for the world!

We had a waffle toss, where the kids tossed around frozen waffles (and boo-yah 2-3 won!) and then a relay where they had to pass an air mattress over their heads, put a sheet on it, pass it back, load it up with stuffed animals and pass it back and then top it with a pillow. It was fun to see them try to work that out! And then candy and Popsicles. See why I love our church? It's FUN!!

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