Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a nice, fun Thanksgiving this year. It was not too crazy and pretty relaxing, so I'm happy. We spent most of Wednesday getting ready, getting some pre-cooking and shopping done. Thursday morning we finished up our cooking and headed over to Pam and Dave's. David smoked 3 chickens, they were so good, and very moist. I made Brazilian Pao de Quiejo (cheese bread) and sweet potato casserole, deviled eggs, cheese and sausage dip, and sausage stuffed stuffing balls (Regan's favorite) with gravy. Pam had a ham, deer roast, fruit salad, and some pies. Matt and Kelly brought yummy greens and curried cauliflower and a chocolate pecan pie. Kris and Makayla came too, the rest were at Jen's family for lunch.

After lunch, Riley and Dave took off on their bikes to the park, they found this really cool bike trail and Dave got some good pics and video of Riley on his new bike.

Then we all played Cranium, guys v. girls, and guys won, but barely. It was fun, the kids played too and they enjoyed being included, and they did a great job! Riley did a great impersonation of Michael Jackson, and Regan had to draw "kiss" with her eyes closed!  So here's our day in pictures:

Thanksgiving 2012

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