Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pray for Sweet Baby Regan

I'm just asking for everyone's prayers for Regan. She started telling me on Saturday that she had a headache, we went to see Polar Express with her Girl Scout Troop, and she just didn't seem her normal active self. By that night, I knew something was wrong, she was running a fever and kept saying her head hurt so bad. By Sunday morning, her fever was 103.6, she was vomiting and miserable. I took her to the doctor on Monday and they said it's enterovirus, which being a virus, there's nothing they can do, no antibiotics to give her. They said to just watch her for any signs of meningitis. So today, her fever was up to 104.5 and I just hate it. She has sore muscles, hasn't eaten since her Girl Scout trip where she had half of a peanut butter and honey sandwich, and today she's only had about 1/4 of a can of Sprite. I just want her all better, she's never been sick like this, and it's hard for mom to watch and not be able to do anything to help her out.

1 comment:

LadyGram said...

I just talked to Tiff and she told me that she was sick!!! Tell her that Gram and Papa are always praying to keep our family safe and healthy, but we will make a very special prayer request for her!!!! Keep us posted!!! Hugs and kisses, Gram and Papa..
And by the way, Mom, I KNOW how it feels to watch and feel helpless!!!