Friday, July 11, 2008

That's the Way Riley Rolls...

As if I needed something else to kill time, right? But this is fun. I started making one of these for Regan the other night but it crashed my computer and David got an ear full the next day. You know the saying, "The cobbler's children had no shoes"? Well, the updated version of that is, the IT guy's wife has a crappy computer. BUT, I won't get into all that now. Except to say I think I might be the only person left in the world that owns a computer and NOT a printer. But that's a whole nother story.

Anyway, here's a scrapblog I made for Riley. It's short, because so is my memory (my computer memory that is) so when my computer gets upgraded, I can do more. So, don't hold your breath or anything.

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