Sunday, June 23, 2013

Camp Texlake

Another year of Camp Texlake! Regan looks forward to this camp every year, but I think this year, even more so. She finally aged out of the "no air conditioning" cabins, and this time we signed her up for horse camp! She was so excited to have a week of intensive horse camp.

After church we dropped the guys at home with Elise, put her down for her nap and then headed out to camp. It wasn't as hot as it usually is when we check in, so that was good! Got her bags checked, got her cabin assignment, and then she was ready for me to leave so she could get her horse on.

They posted pics on their website so I got a few good ones of her from the week. This is the camp she spends her cookie reward money on! They raised the price this year, most of the time she makes enough to pay for the whole thing herself, but she still paid $300 of it, so that's pretty good! A good return on those 1000+ cookies we sell!

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