Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Texas Baptist Children's Home

As part of our service project for Girl Scouts, we donated boxes of cookies to the Texas Baptist Children's Home. The girls got to go on a field trip there, have a tour, meet some of the kids who live there, and give them their cookies. First we met up with our guide, and then went to a girl's cottage to give them some cookies (we weren't allowed to photograph all the kids):

Then we went to a boy's cottage for a tour and since most of the boy's were at sports practice, we did get to meet one boy who explained to the girl's what Lacrosse is since he just got back from Lacrosse practice and none of the girls knew what that was!

The girls got to go inside the beautiful chapel and look at all the stained glass windows that show kids in the Bible who were raised by someone other than their parents. Then we got to tour the gym and the activity center, and the girls played with all the stuff they could find:

We got to look at the clothing donation center (they need stuff bad so if you have any clothes to donate, they would LOVE it!) and then we headed out to the playground to burn off some steam:

When we left, all the girls wished they could live there! I was proud of our girls for raising money to give them cookies, and in the near future we will be doing a clothes drive for the Home also!

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